Why cleaning your dryer vent is essential
First and foremost, cleaning your dryer vent is vital, as a dirty dryer vent is a significant fire risk. As you run your dryer, lint, dust, and other debris will leave the dryer, and not all of it is caught on the dryer filter. Some of it gets through, and when that happens, it can accumulate. As the dryer continues to run, this accumulation starts to dry out, and if a spark hits it, it can ignite in seconds. Although rare, a dryer vent fire is dangerous and completely avoidable with regular cleanings.

How often to clean your dryer vent
Although there are a couple of schools of thought on this, the team at Kane’s suggests that you clean your dryer vent at least once a year. If you are a larger family and run the dryer quite often, two or even three cleanings per year might be ideal, depending on your exact set-up and dryer.